Swimming & Diving | 7/1/2020 12:36:00 PM
After notching her first ever NCAA 'B' cut swim during a 13th place performance in the 400 individual medley at last year's Big Ten Championships, Patricia Van Law has nothing but determination and hope in her heart as she heads into her final season as a Minnesota Gopher.The Highlands Ranch, Colo. native's Big Ten performance was not her only impressive finish in her 2019-20 season however, as she accumulated five separate podium finishes and 12 top-five finishes throughout her impressive junior campaign. Recently, Gopher Sports sat down with Van Law for an exclusive on her mindset heading into her final season and more.
GopherSports: What have you been doing to keep busy the past few months?
Van Law: "I had been doing a lot of running and biking until the pools opened up two weeks ago, so that's been super nice. It's so weird to get back in the water after being out for a few months because I've only ever been out for one to two weeks my entire career. It's actually pretty cool to see the distances I can go on runs and bikes because my ultimate goal is to do an Ironman at some point in my life. I've already hit a couple milestones since I've been here with the running and the biking and that's been really cool to do. It's nice to change things up a little bit, but I'm really glad to be back in the water right now."
GS: Have you picked up any new hobbies during the extended time at home?
Van Law: "Not really, I've just been trying to get back into doing some painting and writing cards. I love to do calligraphy and make things for other people, so that's been really nice. And, with my brother and I being home from college, my dad's been putting us to work around the house with some backyard work, house flipping and just fixing things up here and there. I'm getting to learn a lot, and that's really cool because my dad is really insightful. He knows a lot about a lot of different areas, so I'm getting to learn a lot about how to take care of a yard, how to build a back deck, and just little tidbits of information that I think is really important I think for anyone and everyone to learn."
GS: How would you assess your 2019-20 season and what are your biggest takeaways?
Van Law: "I was pretty happy with my season. Obviously my ultimate goal was to make NCAAs, and I was just shy of that in the 400 IM, but I was really happy with the training. That's about 95 percent of the season, the other 5 percent is the racing part, and I think I learned a lot more about my racing with the help of sports psych. Things like how to battle my anxiety, any fears I have about failure and struggling with racing, so that was really cool to see myself taking some strides in the mental aspect of the sport. The sport is really mental at the end of the day. My biggest takeaways from the season is that life is short, and all you can do is just focus on the controllables. You can focus on your attitude and your effort, and really just soaking in every moment because this is such a special experience that not a lot of people get to have. Just trying to encourage others, be in the moment at each practice, focus on what you want to get out of it, and being there for your teammates. It's a really cool thing."
GS: Take us through your emotions at the 2020 Big Ten Championships after hitting your first 'B' cut time?
Van Law: "I just remember I had been signed up for four events, but you're only allowed to swim three. We were deciding between the 200 IM and the 200 fly, and I decided to go with the 200 fly, which was on the last day, so the 400 IM was my first race of the meet. After not being able to go to Big Tens last year for other reasons, I was just super nervous because the 400 IM is one of my better races. I remember telling myself "just stay in your lane. Let your body do what you know how to do. You've worked this hard, just go out there and give it all." It was an absolutely surreal experience. I had the opportunity to swim next to one of my incredible teammates, Kelli McCarthy, and she pushed me the entire way through that race. I just kept thinking, "I have to do it for the 'M', I gotta do it for the 'U', do it for my coaches, for my teammates, my parents, and for myself." Touching the wall and looking up, I didn't expect that time at all. It was a lot of joy, just to see all that hard work pay off, but all I could think about was what's next? How do I improve, how do I get better, how do I drop lower to get an 'A' cut, or to make it to an invite time for the NCAA championships?"
GS: Can you speak to how you expect your roles to change this year as a senior?
Van Law: "First of all, it's crazy that I'm already a senior. They say college goes by fast, and people brush it off because it's a typical saying, but you really don't realize how fast it's going until you're here. It's been a blink of an eye honestly. This year, I don't expect much of my roles to change because I see myself as someone who tries to encourage people, and I think that as a senior, I'm just going to try and lead by example. That's just how I was raised, and that's what's worked in the past for me on my club team and in high school. You can say all these great things, but it's a matter of what you do and how you live. Living in action and in truth. So, I'm just going to try to lead by example, and I just want everyone on the team this year to really realize that, yes, we're here to swim, but we're also here making memories, so let's make the most of all the time we have together. Let's just build each other up, be the best team that we can be, and make sure that everyone feels included, welcomed and supported because I think that's really important to each team. As a senior I just think my role is to lead by example, to encourage and to make sure that everyone feels that they're important and they're valued because they are. They truly are."
GS: If you had one piece of advice for the incoming freshmen, what would it be?
Van Law: "Honestly, it's so cheesy, but it's also so true. Just be yourself. There's only one you, so embrace it and full force go forward. Just be who you are because there's only one you and that already makes you so special. Everyone has so much to give and so much to offer, there's no point in wasting time trying to be another person, so just be yourself. Also, another thing I've realized throughout my college career is that no one is going to do it for you, you've got to do it yourself. Take action on the things that you want, and chase your dreams."
GS: Who is a teammate that really impressed you this past season?
Van Law: "Everyone impresses me, but on the men's side, Justin Torres really impressed me. I'd gotten the opportunity to train with him last year and this year, but he impresses me everyday. It's not even about what he does in the pool. Don't get me wrong, he's an incredible, incredible swimmer, but he's an even better person, and I think that is what's so important about him. Coach Kelly always talks about how we should leave this team better than we found it and be someone that we can't replace, and Justin is someone that no one can ever replace. We'd grind through those 400 IM practices together, and they're really tough, but if I had to swim 400 IM practices everyday all day, I would choose to do them with Justin Torres. He just makes them so worth it. He's always there encouraging you, making you smile, and making you realize that it's just swimming. We're just here to get better, to help each other and to do something that we all love, and he always impresses me both as an individual and as an athlete with how he performs and just how he is as a person. It's really humbling to be his teammate. On the women's side, a lot of people impressed me. Jordan McGinty had an amazing freshman career. I mean, that girl was just tough as nails. Kate Sullivan is always performing amazingly, and it's always for the team. Also, Britt Horn. She really stepped up this year, both as an individual and as a swimmer. The coaches told her they were going to try her out in the 1000 and the mile after she was just in the sprint group two years ago. She usually did the 100 free and 100 back, and now she's out here doing the mile and the 1000 free, and she's absolutely crushing it. She did not complain once, and as a teammate she's such a leader, she's so humble and everyone loves her. Oh, and Emily Cook. Emily made NCAAs individually this year, and it's the first time she's made it individually. She's always been a super fast swimmer. Just seeing her accomplish that goal was incredible, but it was also so heartbreaking that she wasn't able to attend NCAAs because of COVID-19. She had a really amazing season as well."
GS: Is there someone you would tab as the next "breakout" Gopher?
Van Law: "I think Tommy Barr is going to have a great season, as well as Tom Donker on the men's side. Tommy Barr has a great mindset, and he's always just so positive and uplifting. I think that it's really going to pay off for him this year. He just never gives up. That's where his mindset is and I think that's so important. Tom Donker has almost been through hell and back, and he's the same way. He never complained once. He just worked hard, and I'd be ecstatic for him to have an amazing season. On the women's side, I think Abbey Erwin. It's her senior year, and I think this is going to be her year. She's also one of the hardest workers on the team, and I think she's going to have a really really good year."
GS: Being an IM swimmer, what's it like having to focus on every trade of the sport?
Van Law: "I love it. I love it because I love a challenge. It's never easy to do 400 IM practices and also work for the 200 fly and 200 back, but I love the challenge. Each and every day and each and every rep, it's, "how do I get better? How do I make the next one faster? How do I focus on having quicker underwaters? How do I sprint a 200 IM, but then pace myself in a 400 IM? How do I use my strengths, and how do I get better at my weaknesses?" Sometimes, it makes things easier for me too because if we're doing a set 4 or 8 times, I can split it up by stroke. That way I can focus on one thing. I've learned, at least for me, that focus is critical, and when I'm just focussing on one thing, it helps me to get through it because I'm very good at overthinking things. So, the more I can focus on one or two things, like this one stroke this round and this stroke this next round, it keeps me from overthinking and helps me stay in a growth mindset, instead of having that fixed mindset."
GS: Academically, your record shows you're an absolute rock star. How important is academics to you, both from an athletic standpoint, as well as your personal outlook?
Van Law: "Academics have always been really important to me because I love learning. There's something to learn everyday, and there's something to learn in every subject, from every person, in every class. And, it's not just regurgitating these facts, but it's learning how to interact with other people and how to conduct yourself. Learning in general is something that I enjoy, relish and cherish very much. Academics is important to me because I think athletically, it bodes well for our women's swim team. We have a very high GPA, we hold each other to high standards, and we have a very smart team. I'm so blessed to be surrounded by such incredibly smart people. It's a way that I can contribute to the team in my academics, by helping contribute to the team GPA, and to putting a good face on, not only for our women's swim team, but our athletic department and the university overall. That's the one thing that's so special about Minnesota. Athletically and academically there is no better option than this school. There are a lot of schools that really prioritize either athletics or academics, whereas at this school, you get the best of both worlds. Personally, I'm very competitive and I have very smart siblings, so that's always been a driving factor for me. My sister took however many AP classes, so I'm going to take one more AP class. Just trying to be the best I can be by getting the most knowledge I can to be able to help others gain that knowledge and help them live the best lives that they can live too."
GS: What is your favorite part of being a Gopher?
Van Law: "It's so hard to pick one thing. I just love my team, and I love being a part of something bigger than myself. It humbles you, and it makes you realize that, even if you get a bad grade on one midterm, it's not the end-all, be-all of all things. You're still at a top D1 University, in a great city. Yeah it can get cold, but it's cool to say that you've lived through negative 60 degree weather. But yeah, something I look forward to everyday is being able to see my teammates, and that's been one of the hardest things about COVID-19, is being away from all of them and my coaches."
GS: What comes after school for you?
Van Law: "Right now, my goal is to get into medical school. I took the MCAT last summer, and I'm looking into different medical schools right now. I think I may take a gap year just so I can get some experience in a hospital where I can volunteer or scribe,so I can add that to my resume and my personal section on medical school applications. At the end of the day though, I knew I wanted to study neuroscience and I know that I want to go to medical school to become a doctor, either to be a psychologist or a pediatric neurologist. Then, hopefully open up some hospitals overseas and work with the people who are less fortunate. I believe we're given things in life, and it's not a matter of what you have, but it's a matter of what you do with what you're given and how you help others with what you have."
GS: Are there any med schools you're looking into in particular?
Van Law: "There's nowhere specific right now, but I'm actually looking into the armed forces. We've had a couple teammates who have done the armed forces program, where they pay for your medical school and then you serve them afterwards. I'm not entirely sure yet, but I'll see where it takes me. Just have to keep an open mind. Honestly, all I want to do is get to a point where I can help others. That's the dream.
GS: The 2019-20 season was filled with adversity. How did you see the team's strength shine through while dealing with that?
Van Law: "First and foremost, our leadership on this team is something that I don't think any other team in the nation has. Our coaching staff is hands down one of the best coaching staffs there ever has been or will be. Between Kelly, Terry, Jesse, Maddy, and Jeff, they led us through all of that. Kelly reminded us to be positive and to be grateful. That's one of the things about our culture is that we create a culture of appreciation, and that isn't even something that the coaches make sure we do, we just do it ourselves. Our coaches just continue to remind us that life's not always great, but you just have to radically accept it and make the most of what you're given. As a team, the support that we have for one another and the resiliency of individuals on the team like Tom Donker. If you just look at him as an example, he's one of the most positive people I've ever met. He never complained once about his situation, he never through a pity party and he never victimized himself, but he came to each and every meet, led "Gophers on 3", supported the team, came to practices, did extra rehab, worked extra hours with Corey because he couldn't be in the pool as much, and he was just focussed on how he could make himself better. He didn't choose to feel sorry for himself, he chose to build himself up, and I think that speaks to not only his character, but just to the people we have on our team. In the face of resiliency, it's about "this is where we are, how are we going to move forwards with this?"
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July 02, 2020 at 01:41AM
Deep Dive with Patricia Van Law - GopherSports.com
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